lundi 20 août 2012

Me on the cruise

Tomorrow morning i'm gonna be on holiday, like, real holiday :D
i won't post anythong because you have to pay for the wifi ... so i'm gonna take a lot of pictures, and i'm gonna try to resume my days :)

otherwise, my friend just shiwed me how to use internet for mobile. well, i sucks at technology thing, even thought i love surfing on the web.
so, if a i can have a code for the wifi in the ship i will post a little something everyday.

Talking about holiday, i packed my suitcase in 2 hours! great job, heh ?
i did a list with everything, clothes ( top, pants, underwears, ...), shoes, skin care and hygiene products. so, i think i have everything. but i'm thinking about taking a book there. i'm not sure though if i will have the time to read, because on th cruise, you're just busy! or maybe, i don't know, this is what i think. but other than that, i tidy my room 2 nights ago. so yay good news :)

mercredi 15 août 2012

Being tired

Today was a really good day, even if i'm super tired. It's crazy; it's been maybe 2 entire weeks that i'm tired all the time.
Maybe because i'm working, or because i sleep less than 6 hours a day. Well, i don't know... everyday i wake up at 9:15 a.m, and i shower, get ready and stuff. At 10:15, i must be in the subway. and i start working at 11:00. and it's ended at 18:00. So that's not that exhausting, but i didn't mentioned that every night i watch my computer until 1:00 in the morning. Oh my god, this isn't good at all, my internal clock is totally disordered.

I'm even too lazy to tidy up my room, this is disapointing :s whatever i'll do that next monday. i mean, it's planned to be done in monday, but i'm sure i'm not doing my things!
I also want to post photos of my room, like a before and an after. i think i would be funny !

So this was a really quick post, i'm gona be doing other things next time. :)

mardi 14 août 2012

Laziness... laziness

Oh, my...
I've been so lazy to post new things in my blog.
But I wanted to update it. So, here it is.
Since the last post, a lot of things happened.
It's been almost one month that i didn't put anything new in the blog.
And I felt a little bad for that.
I should had post more often because right now i dont remember of anything !!

I've been to Hélène's wedding. It was such a lovely moment :D
The whole day I was working in the tea boutique. I left at 18:00 and I went to Italie to buy some presents to Alex. But I ended buy things only for me :s how bad I am as a friend :/
But whatever, this is not the point !
So, my parents were picking me later that day, and we went somewhere in the 16th district. It was near the Eiffel Tower, and we went in a adorable boat with the others guests.
So there were little things to eat, it was really good especially the chicken skewers.
And for dinner there were a lot of eating! It was just delicious. And wgile we were eating, the boat was sailing. So the view of Paris at night was so beautiful and romantic and so... :)
For the dance part, it was just so funny, but i didn't dance at all, because, i didn't know anyone except for my parents, so i didn't want to dance like a weird person!
And i left the boat at midnight, I think. And as i was so tired, i sleep until 4:00 in the afternoon ... This isn't good at all, But whatever, I'm on holiday!

I went to the cinema with my friend Elisa, we saw Rebelle. It was a beautiful movie. Normally, i wanted to see Batman, the Dark Knight Rises. But she already saw that movie.
After the movie, we went to St Michel, because i had to buy some books for back to school. I ended up buying 2 books, they were juste so expensive. i couldn't believe that!
I brought with me 45 euros, i thought it was completely enough. and I saw the price of one of the book, it was 36 euros. Seriously ?! And the other was 20 euros. obviously, i didn't have enough money to pay for the books, so my friend Elisa lent me 12 euros. And I felt so silly, that i didn't have enough money to pay fr my own books, but that's okay. She has a lot of money, she can lend me some :p
Next time, i see her, i should bring her back the money, but i'm sure i'm gonna forget!

Saturday night, after work, i went to Alex's home, and i ate at her home, and we just had good time together, it's been, literaly a whole month that we didn't see each other.
And, so we eat sushi and others asians stuffs. After that, we went to her appartment, and put our things in the room, before leaving it to go to Paris plage. It was such a good moment, i love to take a walk at night after eating :)
So we went there, and we walked along the waterway, until La Villette. And there were weird people talking to us, and we just ignored them!
And we went home, and talked a lot, and play with her hamster.We watch the internet, like funny videos and stuffs. We were so tired at this time, so she took her shower, and i took a rest. When she was back, everything was okay. So we continued watch videos, and she showed me awesome stuffs in the internet. Like, kind of games. you just follow something, it tells you what poses you have to do, and takes a picture, and at the end, you have a cool clip with your photos and music...
We finished that, and just took a lot of pictures with her webcam. It was so funny.
We do a lot of others stuffs, and we slept a 3:00 in the morning. yeah !

So the day after that, i had to go to my cousin's for Quentin's birthday, and so i left Alex's home at 10:30. And my parents picked me, and we went to Belleville buy some eating. It was a beautiful day, really sunny and hot. and we eat good things. Yay !
all the time i was in the car i just slept, because i was so tired of the 2 earlier days :p

On monday, i went to my mother's friend's brother's home. Oh, my, i don't know if what i'm saying is right...
But whatever, i went there, it was in Epinay Villetanneuse. i think it was such a beautiful city :)
So, we went there to eat lunch, my mother friend cut my hair, yes, because she is a hairstylist. But she cut my bangs so short, that i look like a 13 years old girl. and i'm nearly 18... :s
But, that's not a problem, fortunately, hair grows, and i have 2/3 weeks to let that grow before back to school :D
And i didn't mentionned, but she cut my hair with layers, i think that it changes my style, that's cool :)

So yes, i think in one month of not posting anything, these little summary are the most interesting things i've done during this periode :)
Iwill post new things later. i'll try to post things during my trip in the cruise, but i'm not sure that there is an internet connection there. and if there is, i don't know if there is computers there. because, i'm not gona bring my own computer, i don't want it to be steal or break. ;)

Oww, and something off topic, i did a banner earlier this month, and i eventually decided to take it off. Because, there was my face on it, and this blog is meant to be "personnal", like for myself, i don't want anyone to know who i am. especially, people that a could know. so that's why i take off the banner, and in the future a will post only texts, and photos that don't show my face! I know it sounds weird, but, i like to keep my real life for my family, and friend. and my blog is just virtual life, nothing that i want to share with my relatives.
If there is someone out here, who speak fluently english, i would love to contact you. i'm trying to improve my english, so it would be really nice of you :)