lundi 20 août 2012

Me on the cruise

Tomorrow morning i'm gonna be on holiday, like, real holiday :D
i won't post anythong because you have to pay for the wifi ... so i'm gonna take a lot of pictures, and i'm gonna try to resume my days :)

otherwise, my friend just shiwed me how to use internet for mobile. well, i sucks at technology thing, even thought i love surfing on the web.
so, if a i can have a code for the wifi in the ship i will post a little something everyday.

Talking about holiday, i packed my suitcase in 2 hours! great job, heh ?
i did a list with everything, clothes ( top, pants, underwears, ...), shoes, skin care and hygiene products. so, i think i have everything. but i'm thinking about taking a book there. i'm not sure though if i will have the time to read, because on th cruise, you're just busy! or maybe, i don't know, this is what i think. but other than that, i tidy my room 2 nights ago. so yay good news :)

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